Has Ivins Fire/EMS Service Flatlined?

Five weeks ago, the Ivins City Council increased the budget for Fire/EMS to fund the re-staffing of the Center Street fire station. Santa Clara runs Fire/EMS for both cities (we run Law Enforcement). Santa Clara moved all the Center Street personnel to their Rachel station late last year without even telling us. That move leaves half of Ivins residents outside the standard 5-minute response time.

Center Street should be staffed by now. It isn’t. Not only is it not staffed, Santa Clara fired at least seven volunteers and part-time Fire/EMS personnel in the past week. There are no words to describe how appalled our mayor and city council are over all of this.

So, we’re going to have a public meeting of the two city councils on August 3rd at 5pm. We need to fix this now. Our citizens are in jeopardy every day. But Santa Clara is in complete control.

The public meeting will be at the Santa Clara City Hall, 2603 Santa Clara Drive. The meeting is open to the public. It isn’t a public hearing so there’s no opportunity for public comment.

But just showing up is a strong public comment by itself. We need to make it clear that this issue concerns all of us in Ivins.

If you can’t attend in person, check Santa Clara’s website at https://sccity.org/meetings/ to see if you can watch from home.