Fireworks Restrictions

The Ivins City Council started a discussion about water at their last meeting, or the lack of it in this drought. That led to comments about the drought, dry conditions, and fireworks. Ivins has restricted fireworks this year because of the drought, like many other cities in the State.

But how many residents even know about the restrictions? Councilmember Dennis Mehr suggested the City do more to get the message out than simply posting information on the City website and in the newsletter, like posting some signs around the city about the restrictions.

Good idea Dennis. Hopefully, the City does that. So, please spread the word. The City has limited fireworks locations to just the Center Street baseball diamond and the two baseball diamonds in Unity Park. Fireworks can’t be set off on any private property. The City also limited the dates fireworks can be set off to July 2nd through 5th and July 22nd through 25th.

Councilmembers asked about banning fireworks. City Manager Dale Coulam told the Council that banning fireworks could create a liability problem for the City because we would be preventing fireworks vendors from doing business. Washington City goes a step further, saying state law gives them the right to restrict fireworks but not to ban them. Even the Governor was told earlier this week that he can’t ban fireworks, although he said he wants to.

Please share your comments and tell me about other Ivins issues I have not addressed in recent posts. CONTACT ME

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