Your Voice Matters: How’s Life In Ivins?

Ivins is participating in Utah State University’s “Wellbeing Project.” It’s an online wellbeing survey being done through the end of April. It will report on residents’ well-being and attitudes about community issues. The goal is to use these results in our planning and decision-making to support the overall quality of life in Ivins.

The interesting thing about this survey is it does not explicitly define well-being. It allows each of us to explain or interpret what well-being means to them. Using that information, we can really focus on the most important aspects of well-being in Ivins and try to address and promote those.

All full-time and part-time residents 18 and older can participate in this 10-minute survey. Please share this survey link with friends and family in Ivins.

The survey needs to be completed in April. So please do it today. Click here to access the survey.

You can learn more at or contact Dr. Courtney Flint at for more information.