Worried About Water Yet?

If you are, then participate in a critical, no-holds-barred, interactive water discussion on February 22nd at 7pm at Rocky Vista University (255 E Center Street in Ivins).

This is our opportunity to not only hear from experts but to ask them hard-hitting questions. Participate and help turn talk into action.

The expert panel: Zach Renstrom (General Manager of the Washington County Water Conservancy District), Ed Andrechak (VP and Water Program Manager for Conserve Southwest Utah), and Aaron Anderson (P.E. and hydraulic modeling expert with Bowen Collins).

This is a big deal. Residents in the county have not had this opportunity before. But it will only be productive if a lot of us show up and participate. There will be some “presentation,” but this is not a lecture. It is meant to be very interactive with a lot of resident participation.

We’re holding it at Rocky Vista University because it accommodates a lot more people than City Hall and also because there’s a microphone next to every seat in the auditorium. You will be heard.

Please attend in person. A large turnout makes a large statement. But if you can’t, you can participate through Zoom – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84041698941